Thursday, November 27, 2008



An yearning to worship is inbuilt in Human beings. Human history testifies that people are interested in worship. People worship either God, according to their own fanciful thinking or natural powers or great personalities (hero worship) or even Satan. A sad thing we see around us is that a majority of people are worshipping God not according to the truth of God- worshipping God in ignorance- being ignorant about the person or nature or works of God.

Paul, when was in the city of Athens, could see that the Athenians were worshipping all known gods including the ‘unknown God’ (Acts 17:23). They were worshipping in ignorance. So Paul had to say, “
…. Now what you worship in ignorance this I set forth to you…” (v. 23 b.). ‘Many gods exist according to what people say; and we do not want to miss any; for we can’t say which is true’ seems their logic. This is the same logic that governs the pluralistic society of our nation as well. In this post modern era, where a denial of the absolute truth is the trend, it is not surprising to see this confusion prevails. People worship god/gods in ignorance.

Not only the pagans, the people who claim that they know God do also worship God in ignorance. The Samaritan woman represents this group. She zealously brought up the subject of worship in her conversation with Jesus. She thought that she is, in fact the whole sect of the Samaritans are worshipping God. But Jesus contended saying, “You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we (the Jews) worship what we do know…” (John 4:22). What was the mistake of the Samaritans? They in their pride and rebellion did not want to follow what God commanded regarding worship. They in opposition to the Jews redefined faith for themselves! That led them to worship God in ignorance.

The Christian community is worshipping community. But a massive group among them commits the same mistake! They say they worship God. But unfortunately in some Christian churches the worship is patterned after the Old Testament. There is a continuation of the Old Judaistic system of worship there. They have the priests as official mediators for worship; they have the Holy place where the priest alone will go; they have incense to offer at worship… They worship in ignorance -either willful or sincere! Because they are still following the patterns of the old dispensation. Just as the Jewish people continued their worship in the temple even after the death and resurrection of Jesus, probably after ‘re-stitching’ the veil that was torn at Jesus’ death, these Christians continue their worship in the temple pattern. They do not approach God having the knowledge of the new and living way God has opened for those who come to Him. They do not recognize that those who worship the Father have to worship Him by the assistance of the Holy Spirit and in accordance to the truth God had revealed in this new dispensation of grace. Though it has the name ‘Christian,’ the worship is not Christian, for they worship not according to the truths of God’s word. And obviously God does not take pleasure in that.

We who claim evangelical or protestant Christians do worship in ignorance sometimes..! How? When we approach god having unresolved tensions with fellow believers, we worship God in ignorance! When we come to worship with hidden sins that are un confessed and un forgiven, we worship God in ignorance! When we don’t let someone in the church to join in worship we do the same! We do worship in ignorance, when we come to God having reluctance to obey or having made no effort to obey the great commission of the Lord. When we keep wrong understandings about God and worship we do it in ignorance.

God does not want us to worship him in ignorance. He has revealed his truths in His word so that we may know him and worship Him in the light of those truths. His word is given to us not just for the sake of knowledge but to do them (Psalm 119:3).

As we prepare to Worship God this week, let us see to it that we know him better lest we shall worship Him in ignorance and be rejected. Let us approach Him having the confidence in our high priest, the Lord Jesus Christ who is able to sympathize with our weaknesses.

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